Salon Beauté Des Îles

I love taking care of locs because it’s my passion, and with my 22 plus years of experience I can give you GREAT locs services, from locs maintenance to locs repair and more.

Saint-Lambert, Quebec J4R 1P7

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I had gotten my locs repaired and interlocked by her two years ago. She was sweet and kind and she gave me incredible advice and information on them. We bonded very well too!The price for my first appointment was pricey, yet I was prepared for it sine it was a repair, interlock and a hair cut. We agreed that we should schedule the next appointment in the next 6 weeks since that is how fast my hair grows. On the next appointment, it was only an interlock.However, yet again the price was a little bit high. I didn’t think anything by it. Yet as I left the salon, she calls me and says how sorry she was because she overcharged me 300$ dollars. She mentioned a credit for my next appointment and I thought it was a great idea! I admired her professionalism and how she was quick to solve a delicate situation like this. Due to personal events, I wasn’t able to schedule an appointment in the following six weeks.I had texted her of this and she did not mind it. Then a couple of weeks after, when the storm of my personal life cleared. I texted her for a time she’d be available to have an appointment. It was late at night when I texted her and it was on Instagram. I didn’t think anything by it because…it was late. Yet the next day I get a voice message from her.And I was shocked at how rude, unprofessional and arrogant she was. She started the message by scolding me for having texting her so late on Instagram.How I should know that because she suffers from insomnia, she can’t sleep well because of the notification sounds.She then proceed to lecture me on how she believes in ”loyalty” with her customers. Since I hadn’t scheduled an appointment within the agreed six week time, she assumed I had found another loctician. She then ends the message with an exasperated sigh saying to re-send a picture of the length of my hair and re-count and tell her how many locs I have.Which is a method she uses before her consultations. She then promptly finishes by saying that even though I have to ”start over” she will think about whether or not she wants to be my loctician. After listen to that memo, I look at phone so incredulously.I answered an apology for interrupting her sleep and said that I will find service elsewhere. Weeks went by and then I finally remembered the 300$ she overcharged me. What happens to it? I do not want her service, especially after how she spoke to me that day so here’s no need for a credit. But I do wonder.

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Saint-Lambert, Quebec J4R 1P7

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