Tell us your story
I stopped getting relaxers in 2010 just out of habit of not wanting to travel 3 hours to get a relaxers. Plus I was mainly wearing different kinds of weave styles and was doing a pretty good job straightening out my ‘new growth’ with a flat iron. One of my friends went natural in 2010 and I didn’t see that as an option for me. I always wanted to have ‘curly hair’ so I went and bought a Texlax to try to make my hair curly lol. But that was an epic fail. In June 2011, I was washing my hair one day and noticed that the hair that did not have relaxed/straight ends on them curled up and was beautiful so I impulsively made the decision to cut off my hair and go natural. I started out with about 3 inches of hair. I never looked back since.

What’s your current hair care regimen?
I currently wash my hair twice a month and I deep condition each time I wash my hair. I follow up using the LOCO (Liquid/Water, Oil, Cream/Styler, Oil) method using some of my favorite products. I mainly wear two stand twists as my go-to hairstyle.
What products have worked great for your hair?
These are my go-to products:
Shea Moisture JBCO Styling Lotion
Melanin HairCare Elongating Styling Cream
Avocado Oil
Jojoba Oil
As I Am Shampoo
Herbal Essences Hello Hydration

What advice would you give to other naturalistas out there?
My biggest advice is to embrace who you are! Your natural hair may not do what you want. You may not be able to achieve that hairstyle that you was going for. Don’t consider that a failure and a negative factor of having natural hair. When you embrace all that comes with having the hair on your head that you were originally born with, then you have no choice but to love it. Love yourself and love your hair! Periodt!
Connect with Chassidy on the following platforms:
Follow me on TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube!