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Hair Story: TheLioness Chronicles

“Saving TIME and MONEY. When I had a chemical relaxer, I had to wait hours in the salon and spent $100+ per visit. Now, I style my own natural hair.” TheLioness Chronicles, Atlanta, GA

What’s your hair type(s) (if you know it) or how would you describe your hair?

I have 4C hair

When did you start your natural hair journey?

I started my journey in 2011

What protective hairstyles did you use while transitioning to natural?

I dived right in! No transitioning – Just a quick trip to the barber for a low fade and the rest is history! I love the TWA phase, so I never left it.

What were your go-to products during your transition?

What mistakes did you make along the way?

Wasting money on EXPENSIVE products, and buying TOO MANY products! LESS is MORE. My current routine is SIMPLE, and the few products are AFFORDABLE.

How did your family react to your natural hair journey?

They thought I was either “going through something” (losing it) or gay… possibly a combination of both. LOL! I’m neither, but kept quiet about it.

If you relaxed your hair, did you ever go back to “the creamy crack”?

Almost 10 years in, and NEVER looking back! I love my natural texture too much now, and have grown accustomed to the ease of a quick styling routine.

What’s your current hair regimen?

I cowash my hair when I shower, and then style it while wet with EcoStyler Gel and a combination of the finger and palm coil methods.

What’s your morning & night time routine?

Nothing. I DON’T tie my hair up at night or deep condition it. I either palm/finger coil it, or rock a headwrap, hat, or beanie if I don’t feel like styling it or am pressed for time

What are your favorite hair products now?

What are your favorite hairstyles?

Wash and Go or Box Braids.

Do you want to give a shout out to your hairstylist?

Yes… ME! @TheLionessChronicles in Instagram

What advice would you give to naturalistas out there?

RELAX. Don’t fret about how fast your hair is growing, or waste time comparing your journey to others. BE PATIENT – Enjoy the process at EVERY stage!

Where can we find you on the socials?

You can find me on instagram

Anthea Ancalade

Anthea is the creator and founder of CurleeMe. Her love for natural hair care has led her through this journey. When she's not running CurleeMe, she's designing websites or spending time with her family.

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