One of the most remarkable benefits of making your hair care products is that you're cognizant and in charge of every single ingredient. Selecting...
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Clean Your Hairstyling Tools?
When was the last time you cleaned your hairbrush? If your mind is drawing a complete blank, it may be time. Shedding hair is a part of an...
5 Benefits of Trimming Your Hair
When your stylist recommends a trim, do you usually find yourself on pins and needles? Are you hanging on to your dead ends by a thread? When it...
10 Tips on Growing Long Natural Hair
When I watched this video I was so impressed by the information Fret shares on her tips on growing long natural hair. Check out the video or read a...
5 Ways to Prevent Natural Hair Burnout
Photo by: Terricks Noah on Unsplash Let's face it, natural hair can be exhausting: there’s always a new product to try, a new hair growth...
5 Ways to Combat Dry and Brittle Hair
Photo by patricioshotit on Unsplash It’s a natural’s worst nightmare: Hair that was once soft and luscious has turned dry and...
Spring Color Refresh with Hair Color Wax
With warmer temperatures creeping around the corner, you might be itching for a change. If a new cut or protective style isn’t what you’re looking...
Natural hair terminology you need to know
When you're a new natural or you've been a natural for a while but recently started to look up more info on how to take care of your hair, you've...
Coronavirus: 20 things a natural hair stylist can do when confined to home
Who else is feeling like Rapunzel right now? My hand's way up right here and I'm definitely not the only one. It's hard to believe that we're in...
How do I find a natural hair stylist near me
One of the most frustrating things for a naturalista is when we simply can’t find a hairstylist to do our hair for an event or just our normal day...
10 Celebrities with Natural Hair You Need to Know
In the world of entertainment, there is often a great deal of pressure to conform, especially when it comes to Black hair. For some it’s as simple...
5 Ways to Add Style to Your Locs!
Locs are a commitment that many naturals are proud to have taken on. They are a beautiful expression of both natural hair and African spirituality...
Embracing Your Natural Curls: A Short Guide to Loving Your Curls
Whether you’ve just gone natural or you’re looking for ways to give your hair a little more love, the first step on any healthy hair journey is...
5 Quick Tips for Natural Hair Growth
When it comes to your natural hair, there is nothing more fulfilling than having a hairstylist that is in love with what they do and love to educate...
7 things girls with natural hair are tired of hearing
So I came across an article this morning that talks about "7 things girls with natural hair are tired of hearing". I thought some were pretty funny...
Do you Cornrow?
So, do you braid your own hair? Well, if you're like me, a little bit of a do-it-yourselfer, you may have tried your hands on it. My speciality (in...
Patience and natural hair
When I woke up today, I was so excited to get my hair ready for the day. Mainly because the day before I noticed some growth. Not much, but a decent...
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