Athena Hill
Today, we’re featuring Athena Hill, one of our lovely hairstylists in Richmond, CA! She specializes in all aspects of curly hair and offers services like curly cuts, wash and go styles, color and more.
Here are a few questions we asked Athena to learn more about her and what inspires her!
Question: Tell us about you and how you got started as a hairstylist
Becoming a hairstylist was never in my original plan, but it became my passion. I got my license in 2004 and worked at 2 different salons and then thought that hair was something I enjoyed, but just wasn’t my “thing”. I was supposed to change the world! I left “doing just hair” to pursue what I thought was greater, only to figure out that I wasn’t “just a hairstylist” and that by being a stylist I have this great opportunity to meet people of all backgrounds, roads traveled, and stories, and impact their lives personally. I still get the chance to change the world by allowing my clients to come and sit in my chair and allow me the space to help them become their best self because let’s be real, when we feel cute, we feel powerful enough to make changes for the good.
Question: What do you love the most about kinky, coily and curly hair?
Answer: What’s not to love about curls!! I’m like the Bubba Gump of curls… Tight curls, wavy curls, short curls, long curls, kinky curls, coily curls, zig-zag curls, straight curls, funky curls, good curls, bad curls… you name it, I love it! But in all seriousness, I think it’s a strong and beautiful statement to make when you embrace your curls. I love the freedom you have to just be you and the flexibility in having curls. Once you get a rhythm down, the right products, and a little TLC, you can conquer the world and allow everyone to stand in awe of your whole beauty!
Question: What’s your favorite go-to-hair-regimen you like to share with your clients?
Answer: Use a Mega wrap to put your hair in a pineapple and go to sleep! And… WATER, WATER, WATER. Become one with water!

Question: What favorite products will you like to share with us?
Answer: I love Innersense. Another favorite is my Dry-N-Wrap mega wraps and Ayocathy scarves for those days you just want a cute look with less effort.
Question: Do you have a favorite hairstyle?
Answer: Big curly hair! I’ll tell everyone if I had my Daddy’s curls I would rock a fro daily!
Don’t get me wrong, I love my hair, but if I had his curls, nobody would be able to say a thing to me!
Question: What do you consider a good hair day?
Answer: The day you are happy and confident with the hair you have and have a solid routine to maintain the integrity of your hair as best as you can. If you love what you have, it wouldn’t matter if it was up in a bun, ponytail, braids, down and curly, styled straight, etc. every day is a good hair day. It might be messy, or not as polished as you would like, but you know you have “good hair.”
Question: What inspires you to do what you do?
Answer: Seeing the confidence boost in my clients when they see themselves as the beautiful folks that they already are! That moment when their shoulders go back, standing tall, and their head up with a beautiful smile! That’s my greatest reward.
Question: If someone is looking to join the trade, what advice would you give them?
Answer: Find a mentor that is willing to teach you what they have and encourage you to be the best!

Question: How are you using CurleeMe to grow your business?
Answer: My goal is to continue to grow and connect with like passioned Curly stylists and people who are looking for a clean, safe, positive, and honest environment where they can let their curls hang down! Or rock as big as we can get!! Whichever way you feel your best and is realistic to achieve.
Question: What achievements in your career or life are you most proud of?
Answer: There are many moments I feel like I can say stand out for different reasons. However, the moments that have stood out the most were events that pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and impacted me with more than just my career. It changed me professionally as well as personally. So I don’t write a novel, here are two monumental moments I can say I will never forget and can say gave me more than I could have asked for.
The day that I stepped completely out of my comfort zone and participated in an art show that showcased my work. That was huge for me. I am very used to pushing everyone else out there to the forefront and very content to stand in the back and just be a part of the team. That day I encouraged myself to come out of my shell and allow myself and my creativity to be showcased.
That show led me to climb higher and want to set greater goals. It became my springboard to becoming a Wella Master Color Expert. That was tough to unlearn things I was taught and believed to be true and to embrace change. I had to level up with my understanding of the science behind color. I thought I knew it, and I did, but now I really understand it. It made me a better stylist and person to be very honest because I was able to learn about myself in a way I had not had the opportunity to before.
Question: Do you have a personal motto? Please share.
Answer: “What if I fall?” Oh, but my darling, “What if you fly?”
This is my favorite quote. I remind myself of this when I am faced with change or the unknown. It’s not always easy to accept something new and you can find it easier to shy away from things that don’t feel comfortable, especially when you’re a perfectionist! I’m not saying be reckless, but don’t let fear dictate who you can be or deter you from reaching your goals.
Question: How can we contact you?
Visit our CurleeMe Profile to view our contact information and ways to connect.
Question: What social media channels can one follow you?
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
Question: Any advice you would like to give Curlees out there?
Answer: Be patient and have fun! It’s not always going to be perfect and you may not always feel like it’s your best, but toss it back in a bun or ponytail,( put on a hat if you need it), and throw on some gloss or that outfit that makes you feel cute. Brush off the negative thoughts and go conquer the day. we are too hard on ourselves.
Helpful tip: Find a stylist you can partner up with to help you have more days where you can feel your best. If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, come sit with me in my chair! I would love to see you shine!