Quia Querisma
Querisma Beauty Studio
Today, we’re featuring Quia Querisma, one of our lovely hairstylists in Addison, TX! She specializes in all aspects of naturally curly hair care and color.
Here are a few questions we asked Quia to learn more about her and what inspires her!
Tell us about you and how you got started as a hairstylist
After spending nearly 14 years in corporate marketing I found myself burned out and uninspired. I asked myself what kind of work I would do even if I didn’t get paid, and the answers were: writing, travel, and hair. I’d missed my window to be a travel influencer (that was in 2012) and while I have supported myself as a freelance writer before, I didn’t have as many contacts as I did previously. So, cosmetology school it was! My family was skeptical, but my good friend (and former hairstylist) was my biggest cheerleader. I finished my program in 2019, spent nearly a year in an apprenticeship, and then COVID happened. The salon had to lay off the entire staff during shelter in place. The longer I was away, the more I realized I didn’t want to work for someone else, so I opened my suite in Addison in May 2020, the very same week that shelter in place was lifted in Dallas. I had one regular and a fat savings. I hired an industry-leading business coach, took a bunch of specialized technical training, and the rest is history.
What do you love the most about kinky, coily and curly hair?
I love how dynamic textured hair is. It can be sleek and smooth or larger than life and defy gravity. Textured hair is the ultimate shape shifter.
What’s your favorite go-to-hair-regimen you like to share with your clients?
I’ve realized that so many people have been sleeping on mousse. It’s changed in recent years, I promise! When setting wash & go styles, I will often style the hair with only water and Mousse Def by The Doux. If the hair requires more hold, I’ll layer Mousse Def with Uncle Funky’s Daughter Curly Magic gel. The products play together well, don’t create product clumps, and dry clear. After setting, I will either direct clients to a hooded dryer for a firm set or diffuse for volume.

What favorite products will you like to share with us?
For wash & go’s: The Doux Mousse Def and Uncle Funky’s Daughter Curly Magic Gel. For thermal styling: Mizani Miracle 25 Milk (which serves as a leave-in and heat protectant) and Drybar Hot Toddy spray (this is an aerosol heat protectant that is applied to the hair before using curling or flat irons).
Do you have a favorite hairstyle?
I absolutely love a good pixie cut.
What do you consider a good hair day?
A good hair day is when your curls held up from the previous day and all you have to do is fluff/refresh them.
What inspires you to do what you do?
I’ve come to see doing hair as being “of service” to people. Women work so hard and balance so many demands and it is meaningful to me that I’ve created a place where they can be taken care of.
If someone is looking to join the trade, what advice would you give them?
Even if you’ve done your best, you can’t please everyone. Having an unhappy client is a terrible feeling, but always listen, empathize, and offer a resolution. Don’t engage in arguments and don’t be afraid to decline a service if your instincts are telling you no.

How are you using CurleeMe to grow your business?
As a premium member I’ve used all available tools to build out my profile, I participated in a CurleeMe Instagram takeover, and I use whatever opportunities I can to share knowledge with the CurleeMe community.
What achievements in your career or life are you most proud of?
Changing careers is not for the faint of heart. I became a licensed cosmetologist at 40 years old. The process was humbling and scary, but I now enjoy the privilege of being fully in charge of my career. My success belongs to me without nasty managers standing in my way.
Do you have a personal motto? Please share
“Stay afraid, but do it anyway.” – Carrie Fisher
How can we contact you?
Visit our CurleeMe Profile to view our contact information and ways to connect.
What social media channels can one follow you?
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
Any advice you would like to give Curlees out there?
Use the products that your stylist recommended–especially if you have color-treated hair. You’ve invested the time and money in the color of your dreams. Don’t put $5 shampoo on it. You wouldn’t put cheap gas in a Maserati would you?