Kara Peterson
A Curl Girl
Today, we’re featuring Kara Peterson, one of our lovely hairstylists in Wood Cross, UT! Kara works with all curl types and is also a Certified Hair Loss Specialist.
Here are a few questions we asked Kara Peterson to know more about her and learn about what inspires her!
Question: Tell us about you and how you got started as a hairstylist
Answer: It was something I was always interested in. My parents were both teachers and I did well in school so I felt like I was expected to do something more academic and never pursued (also never ended up going to college). My husband and I worked for an airline until Sept 11th happened. We both took decent pay cuts and didn’t want to rely on just an airline anymore. I finally got to go back to school for what I truly was interested in. I also was very excited to learn about my own curls (also didn’t happen).
Question: What do you love the most about kinky, coily and curly hair?
Answer: Every head of curls is so different and can have such variety. Each type of curl has its own personality and beauty. I love the 3-dimensionality tight curls can have and the shape they take in space. It’s like creating a sculpture.
Question: What’s your favorite go-to-hair-regimen you like to share with your clients?
Answer: It’s all about the hydration for the curls. Tending to the scalp is also important. Washing your scalp to keep it healthy and conditioning the ends.

Question: What favorite products will you like to share with us?
Answer: It’s hard to pick a favorite! Innersense Inner Peace, Hair Love Prep Spray- Deva Curl B’Leave In.
Question: Do you have a favorite hairstyle?
Answer: I love some BIG hair. Whether it is defined or full and free!
Question: What do you consider a good hair day?
Answer: For myself, it is when my curls bounce and I have some fullness.
Question: What inspires you to do what you do?
Answer: Growing up with curls, I never knew what to do with them and was often frustrated or wanted to change them. I want to teach others to appreciate what they have and get the results they want.
Question: If someone is looking to join the trade, what advice would you give them?
Answer: So worth it. There is nothing like being able to change the way people feel.

Question: How are you using CurleeMe to grow your business?
Answer: It is a great way to get exposure to a new group of people, both guests and stylists. I love learning from others.
Question: What achievements in your career or life are you most proud of?
Answer: Teaching stylists all over the US and Canada sharing my knowledge. Most of all, apprenticing my daughter. Being happy every day at work and enjoying every moment.
Question: How can we contact you?
Visit our CurleeMe Profile to view our contact information and ways to connect.
Question: What social media channels can one follow you?
Follow me on Facebook and Instagram!
Question: Any advice you would like to give Curlees out there?
Answer: Love what you have and appreciate that your curls have their own personality. Every day is different. Embrace each day and your curls.