Today, we would like to introduce you to hairstylist Asyah Taylor of Haircare by Asyah located in Seattle, WA. Here are a few questions we asked her to know more about her and the love she has for natural hair care.
Question: What are your specialities?
Answer: I specialize in natural hair care & styling, all types of curly hair and locs
Question: What do you love the most about coily/curly hair?
Answer: Coily/curly hair is so Versatile. You can look like you have a relaxer one day, natural curls poppin’ the next then beautiful braids down your back the next. I love how mystical our hair has become and how we are growing into our glorious godly selves. Our hair is as valuable and sot after as the crowns they are. Call me the crown keeper as I am here to protect our beautiful locs, tresses, and strands at all means necessary.
Question: What’s your go to hair regimen?
Answer: Having locs, I shampoo my hair every 3-4wks using a protein/moisture shampoo and conditioner.
I create a blend of oils using olive oil or jojoba as my base and lavender for a antibacterial/smell good and a few other oils to loc in moisture w/o creating buildup. I spray that all over my locs making sure to message some on my scalp or I will apply a different oil blend on my scalp before or after I style in Bantu knots, twists, braids or a updo to help loc the moisture in longer.
In-between washes I will spray my hair/scalp with my oil blend when necessary making sure not to oil excessively because 1) I have locs and don’t want buildup and 2) I can clog my follicles with excessive oiling of my scalp causing something similar to dandruff.
I also get my hair retightened every 6wks
That’s it. Then I repeat
Question: What are your favorite products?
Answer: Taliah Wajiid Tight Hold is the product for natural beauties like us. It’s great for curl enhancing, starter locs and maintenance, or a gel for styling/setting
Question: What is your favorite hairstyle?
Answer: My favorite hairstyle on me is almost any wet set. Braid out, twist out, Bantu knots out, flat twist out. Whatever. I also love a good old curl enhancement on anyone else especially on my clients that have never experienced their natural texture before. So rewarding to experience.
Question: What do you consider a good hair day?
Answer: A good hair day is any day that your hair isn’t breaking off from being too dry/brittle or over manipulated or anyday your hair is intentionally loc’n up. Even if you feel like your hair is in bad condition and you are taking the steps to correct it, that’s a good hair day.
Question: What inspires you to do what you do?
Answer: My current inspirations are my 3 girls. They have different curl patterns and textures and levels of being tender headed so I’m adjusting and learning new ways of caring for hair though my experience with them as well because I don’t have children their age as clients so I get to go through their stages of transitions as their hair textures change.
Question: If someone is looking to join the trade, what advice would you give them?
Answer: Learn what you can from YouTube and practice on family and friends. To understand safety and sanitation I recommend shadowing or interning at a local hair salon that you trust as well as researching what beauty schools offer the skills you need and want to elevate your career. A hairstylists has a taxing lifestyle. It can be tiring. I would sit down with a mentor and come up with a business plan to decide what you want to model your business after and how you plan to execute. It’s work. If you really want it don’t give up.
Question: What achievements in your career or life are you most proud of?
Answer: Being asked to assist in doing hair for the NW Beauty Expo was a highlight I will never forget. But I have to say I’m proud of my ability to learn from my mentors and pupils and apply this knowledge behind the chair and behind the desk to provide my clients a professional and knowledgeable experience. I’m most proud of my ability to break away from the safety of working for someone and taking the leap to owning my own business.
Question: What’s your personal Motto?
Answer: I have a few. But two of my favs are “If it’s hard, do it hard” or “just do it”. I have to remind myself never to give up unless it’s not serving the mission and if your scared do it anyways. The fear is there to prepare you for the obstacles that are going to come up along the way. Don’t run from it walk through it.
Question: How can we contact you?
Visit my CurleeMe Profile to view my contact information and ways to connect.
Question: What social media channels can one follow you?
You can find me on Instagram and Facebook
Question: Any advice you would like to give naturals out there?
Answer: Protective styles and the L.O.C. methods are your friends. Learn which versions of each work for you and stick with it.