Does loving our curls come with the responsibility of knowing which hair type best classifies our hair? Socially we are accepting our natural curls...
8 Loc Products that Moisturize
India Arie's "I Am Not My Hair" may very well be the declaration for many, but for some, locs are more than a trendy choice or something chosen for...
Protective Hairstyles: Protect Your Hair in Style!
Maintaining healthy textured hair needs a bit more than just a shampoo and hair oil. Natural hair needs love, care, and a bit of patience. If you're...
How to Confidently Wear Your Natural Hair
Learning how to wear our natural hair confidently is a major part of our natural hair journey. After transitioning for a year, I finally did the...
7 Simple Ways to Repair Damaged Natural Hair
Take a few minutes to look at your hair. Is it dull? Is it frizzy? Is it dry or is it rough to the touch? If you answered yes to more than one of...
Tips on transitioning back to your natural curls
When I decided to transition my hair from being pressed to being natural, I had no idea what the year would have in store for me. There was a...
10 Christmas Gifts Every Natural Girl Will Love
It’s the most wonderful (and stressful) time of the year! It’s officially Holiday Season. 2020 has been crazy enough, don’t add to the stress...
What Does Sealing in the Moisture Mean? How Can it Help?
In the natural hair community, there are many words and phrases that may be new to many people, especially new naturals. Sealing in the moisture is...
Preventing Breakage that can Occur with Protective Styles
Ok picture this, sis! It’s the beginning of Winter. Your wash and go is not air drying fast enough with the cold weather, and your patience is...
What is Low and High Hair Porosity?
Did you know that your hair type isn’t the only factor you should consider when trying to find the right products for your hair? Your hair’s...
Beginner’s Guide to Moisturizing Natural Hair
Embracing your natural hair is a beautiful thing, but caring for it can become frustrating, especially if you are dealing with dryness. Moisturizing...
My 4B Hair Wash Day Routine
I feel like my wash day routine has changed throughout my natural hair journey. It’s OK if your routine changes as your hair needs change. Some...
7 Tips to Detangle Your Natural Hair and Limit Breakage
Detangling for us naturals can be a tedious and painful process. When I first became natural, this was the one part of wash-day I would absolutely...
How To Determine Your Hair Type
Determining your hair type can be a bit confusing. The hair type system, created by André Walker and expanded upon by others in the natural hair...
5 Ingredients to Avoid in Natural Hair Products
At the beginning of my natural hair journey, I was not conscious of certain ingredients that were in natural hair products. I assumed that because...
Does your hair need a trim? Here are 5 signs
I’m sure you’ve been told at least once in your life that keeping your hair trimmed makes your hair grow. Sorry to tell you, but that isn’t exactly...
20 Black Owned Natural Hair Product Brands You Should Know
In light of Juneteenth coming up, we would like to celebrate it by sharing with you 20 black owned natural hair product brands. If you're not...
Tips on Choosing Your Natural Hair Stylist
Most of us know that our relationship with a hairstylist is important: it has to be cultivated over a period of time. Many with natural hair trust...
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